Monday, December 25, 2006
So tonight we were watching Cars. It's a movie that my son got for Christmas. As children often tend to do, he would run in front of the tv, into grandmas view. As hers really is the only one that's affected, really. I don't care if he runs in front of my view, but if he stood there for a while, it probably would bother me. I can't even go on.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Hurt feelings and The great misunderstanding
So, my MIL is not very assertive or informative on what she's thinking or feeling. So it's a little frustrating for me when something is going on with her emotionally, and I can't figure out what's bothering her. She helps my husband and I take care of our 3 children. Well, this evening, I took the 2 older kids and gave them a bath and left my baby in her charge. After the bath, the kids were playing mostly upstairs and then sometimes they would go downstairs. It didn't bother me much that they were going up and down because I felt that since my mil was present, there was someone keeping an eye on them. Now, I realize that there are times when my kids need constant supervision, but to me, this wasn't one of those times. MIL was reading the paper the last time I checked and so I didn't think having the kids around her would be such a HUGE deal. Well, the baby cried a couple of times. He mostly sqwaked and MIL took care of it, shusshing him and pacifying him. Well, on the last time I hollered to her that I was on my way down, and she didn't hear me, because she'd gotten up to go to the other room to make a bottle. I yelled to her again to make sure she heard and she said what do you want, I'm busy. Whoa, that totally took me off guard because I really just thought she was reading the paper. Oh by the way, by this time the kids had come back upstairs so I had them come down with me, while I got the baby. Anyway, I went to go talk to her about what was going on and she told me that the kids would wake the baby-they were playing loudly I guess, running and that sort of thing-and so understandably she was really frustrated. But here's where assertiveness and informative come in. I had NO IDEA what was happening while the kids were downstairs. Like I didn't know that they were being noisy or whatever and waking the baby. They were just being themselves. Then my daughter was being "helpful" and loaded a dish into the dishwasher where there were clean dishes. MIL yelled at her and in my opinion was a little aggessive. I had to explain to MIL that she's just 2 1/2 and only trying to help. She doesn't know if the dishes are clean or dirty. I sometimes feel like the roles are reversed around here. It feels to me that I'm more laid back about my kids; kind of like the way a grandma would be. But that Grandma is the one who gets all worked up over what they do. I don't know. I had a friend tell me once that the things that bother me about her are my issues, and I've since tried to be peaceful realizing that my friend is right and that I am the one with the problem. But if you don't verbalize/vocalize your feelings or opinions am I still the one with the problem? Later~E
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I don't know
So there's this step-sister on my husbands side who has cancer. From what I've recently read in an e-mail, it's terminal and the dr's have only given her like 6 months to live. How sad. Anyway, I don't know how to feel. I mean I barely know her. We don't see each other it seems at any other time other than the holidays. And Last year we went to be with her and other family for Christmas and New Year's. While we were there, I got my feelings hurt REALLY bad. I'm over that part, but I still feel as though I were poisoned at that time, and there is no cure. I heard once that she is faking this. I don't think it's very nice to fake cancer, if that's true. She has no hair. She used to have really long reddish hair. Since undergoing chemo and radiation, she has lost all of it. I prayed for her last night. I meant it. I just feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disconnected from this situation. I don't know. I just don't know.~E.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Not wanting to be outdone by my good friend, I'm posting again. Lately I haven't been doing much around the house, but yesterday, I vacuumed all the floors, did a little maintenance on the vacuum and a few other things. It was great. Today, I'm still trying to keep going with all my "cleaning". Yesterday, my mil trimmed the lilac bush. It looks amazing! Anyway, I think she's going to do more today. I think it's so great that she wants to and likes to do yardwork.
So the saga continues. Ok. I mentioned to my mil that she should go get one of the dressers at the farm and bring it here to her new home for her use. And she said that she couldn't take it because it belonged to grandma and it belongs to the farm. I just don't get it. Nobody is using it, and grandma is gone. My mil is afraid that she would rock the boat with her siblings, much like I did the other day. Anyway, I say that possession is nine thenths of the law and since her things are in the dresser, it's HER dresser, but she really doesn't see it that way. Please explain it to me. Anyway, I asked her what happens when all the siblings die? And she said that the last living heir will be able to have it, ok so that makes sense. I see her point. But then so the dresser stays at the farm FOREVER? It just doesn't get it. What purpose does that serve? Anyway, I know she doesn't worry about her clothes sitting on the floor, but it's just a little weird to me. Oh well. I've been told that that's my issue, not hers. So maybe I can let it go. Or not!!:)
Now I need to click on the wheelchair. I hope I can see it. Things to look for in upcoming blogs....Pictures!!! Yeah. ~E.
So the saga continues. Ok. I mentioned to my mil that she should go get one of the dressers at the farm and bring it here to her new home for her use. And she said that she couldn't take it because it belonged to grandma and it belongs to the farm. I just don't get it. Nobody is using it, and grandma is gone. My mil is afraid that she would rock the boat with her siblings, much like I did the other day. Anyway, I say that possession is nine thenths of the law and since her things are in the dresser, it's HER dresser, but she really doesn't see it that way. Please explain it to me. Anyway, I asked her what happens when all the siblings die? And she said that the last living heir will be able to have it, ok so that makes sense. I see her point. But then so the dresser stays at the farm FOREVER? It just doesn't get it. What purpose does that serve? Anyway, I know she doesn't worry about her clothes sitting on the floor, but it's just a little weird to me. Oh well. I've been told that that's my issue, not hers. So maybe I can let it go. Or not!!:)
Now I need to click on the wheelchair. I hope I can see it. Things to look for in upcoming blogs....Pictures!!! Yeah. ~E.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
In the blog competition, I'm ahead
Hey~I have been doing a lot of posting, missing you very much. lets try to work out the details of you coming over.~E.
Just for today
so today I don't really have much going on. I have a little Girlfriend's gathering at my church tonight, but other than that, not much to do. The kids are running up and down the stairs playing. And that's fine as long as they don't wake the baby. He's been in his swing since about 8. And to think, I haven't done anything since he's been sleeping. I could have gotten a lot done!! Well, I did take a shower, but I haven't done anything like cleaning or anything. Oh well. Last night I went thru all the kids toys and got rid of one big tote full again. What a huge difference. There are some toys that we have that are groups of things and it's not easy to separate those groups. Several toys that have separate pieces are missing some of the pieces so that's a bummer. But oh well. I took a lot of "baby" toys and put them into a tote as well. The older kids were just making a mess of all the toys. There's also a lot of books. I have so many and then since we are in a free book club, the kids get one book a month. Wow!! And they really like the books, except that they fight over them. My kids seem like they fight just like my brother and I did when we were kids. I have a feeling that's how it will be as they get older too. Hopefully not. I'm sure they will grow to love one another eventually. Well, I better go and check on the baby. I think I need him to eat. I have sprung a leak!!~E.
Monday, November 13, 2006
so much to do, so little time
What's this new version of Blog all about anyway? I don't have a google account, so I don't really get it. The kids are just making a mess of toys today. It's not such a big deal to me. I just know there are some toys that I really need to put away and save for the baby. I have a few things to do today and I really want to get it all done. I have to remember to return some books to the library and then I want to change all the bedding. The kids sheets are especially dirty. I just need to sit down and figure out what I want to do. The house is all cluttered. I will write more later. ~E.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
about today
Today is a good day. We woke up late, but were able to make it to church. After church there was a meeting for Kidstuf and then we came home. We at lunch at the church so that was good. When we got home, I was really cold. I cranked up the heat and threw some blankets on but that still didn't help. I was just freezing!!! But now I am feeling much better because I took some medicine. In fact when we ran to the store I was so hot, I started to sweat. We just ate a really good supper of hotdogs with chili and cheese. It's a meal we really enjoy. Tonight, I am going to work a little in my computer room and organize it. I try to organize it everyday. It doesn't always seem to work though. The baby isn't doing a strong suck when he nurses so I don't feel like I'm emptying and it doesn't seem like he's getting anything. He seems a little frustrated. I feel kind of sorry for him. It's been like that all day. I hope nothings wrong. While we were at the store I guess he burped like 4 times, and twice really loudly. I guess he must be full of gas. Hopefully it's not from what I've been eating. Well, I'm trying to keep up in here but I must go now, I've got lots to do. ~E.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Hey how you been?
I haven't seen you in a while and I was just wondering how you're doing? I got your comment, and have been going to town on blogging, huh? Anyway, if you are available, you are still invited to come over. Let me know when or what works best for you. ~E.
what is it with me, anyway?
So today, I went shopping for a couple of hours and my kids were wonderful!!! Well, that is until the last half hour. We were getting ready to leave, but I decided that we should take a bathroom break before we left. So everyone got out of the cart and then nobody wanted to get back in, and they started throwing big huge fits!! It was really awful. It was such a huge turn from their behavior before we went to the bathroom. Ughh!!
Then after that, we went to visit some uncles and get a few things that I get from one of them, and I always just say in a teasing manner, that because they have such cool things, I'm going to come and take it. But I'm always just joking. I've never and never would I take anything from them without their permission. Anyway, I said it again, and one of the uncles got really mad at me and asked how I would like it if someone came and took all my stuff and whatever, and then he also said something about coming over to a locked door!! I apologized and told him that I wasn't being serious and I didn't mean for him to take me seriously. When we left, my MIL asked what his problem was. I was a little relieved that she knew that I was kidding around. Anyway, then she also went on to say that the stuff I was looking at, probably didn't even belong to her brothers and who's to say she wouldn't come and take it herself? Anyway this is just the sort of thing that always gets me into trouble. I keep joking around and just talking about doing stuff, never actually doing, and then end up upsetting people and then having them hate me. I do feel like I was liked by this uncle before tonight. I guess maybe it's just been something that's been on his mind since the first time I said it. There are things that are in the house that do legitamately belong to me, and only those things would I take, oh and the things that the other uncle saves for me. I asked my MIL about the amount of material wealth they had growing up, and maybe that's why this uncle doesn't want what little he has to be taken. I can understand that. I just wonder though, who will get the lovely privelage of going thru all that stuff when the siblings who own the home are all gone?.....~E.
Then after that, we went to visit some uncles and get a few things that I get from one of them, and I always just say in a teasing manner, that because they have such cool things, I'm going to come and take it. But I'm always just joking. I've never and never would I take anything from them without their permission. Anyway, I said it again, and one of the uncles got really mad at me and asked how I would like it if someone came and took all my stuff and whatever, and then he also said something about coming over to a locked door!! I apologized and told him that I wasn't being serious and I didn't mean for him to take me seriously. When we left, my MIL asked what his problem was. I was a little relieved that she knew that I was kidding around. Anyway, then she also went on to say that the stuff I was looking at, probably didn't even belong to her brothers and who's to say she wouldn't come and take it herself? Anyway this is just the sort of thing that always gets me into trouble. I keep joking around and just talking about doing stuff, never actually doing, and then end up upsetting people and then having them hate me. I do feel like I was liked by this uncle before tonight. I guess maybe it's just been something that's been on his mind since the first time I said it. There are things that are in the house that do legitamately belong to me, and only those things would I take, oh and the things that the other uncle saves for me. I asked my MIL about the amount of material wealth they had growing up, and maybe that's why this uncle doesn't want what little he has to be taken. I can understand that. I just wonder though, who will get the lovely privelage of going thru all that stuff when the siblings who own the home are all gone?.....~E.
One more thing.....
So my dear friend really wants me to post something. I haven't in a while, so who could blame her? This is a way for me to stay connected I guess so I will post something really awesome. Like, pictures of my new baby boy. I had him in October. I just can't believe how big he's getting. It's really late right now, and I'm only awake because my oldest son woke my when he fell out of bed. The poor thing. He only suffered a bloody nose, so that's a good thing. Then of course, my daughter woke up and wanted to come to bed with her dad and I but with the baby in bed with us, it's hard becuase her little 2 1/2 year old body might accidentally hurt the baby, and of course we don't want that. She's been doing really good about not coming in our bed lately. I hope she's not regressing. But even if she is, that's ok, it's just harder with the baby and all since I'm nursing. Anyway, it's late, and I should probably post some really fun photos of the life and times. Here goes.... ~E.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
house training
We have the cutest little puppy-a yorkie shih-tzu-her name is Daisy. Anyway, we've started the daunting chore of house training her. We are paper training-decided this was the best route since we aren't that great at making sure she gets outside regularly. So I think we finally got her to poop on the paper. Good thing too. Next we will free her from her quarantine and test out her skills of going back to the paper instead of using the house as her bathroom. Once she's got that accomplished, I think we have it nailed in the head!! Yeah! We also have a cat, named Chloe, and lately, the dog has been eating the cat poop. What's that all about? It's so disgusting, I can't even tell you. I almost hurled once from the smell. It was so awful!! Right now my sense of smell is very heightened so it was rather disturbing. Our animals are so cute, here I'll post a picture for you and you can see for yourself.....~E.
Friday, July 28, 2006
hey, it's been a while. things are going ok for me here. i wonder if my mil and i are on the verge of a break up. i don't mean that literally, it's just that sometimes we don't always see eye to eye on things and then i give her a piece of my mind, and she just sits there and cowers in a corner. today was one of those days. we never apologize for our behaviour. not in this house at least. and i was reading my friends blog and i wonder if she doesn't have a point. do we really need our family? i have also recently gotten into a fight with my husband. what is going on here? I don't mean to be fighting, but there seems to be only one voice being spoken, which is mine, and it's very frustrating for me. but of course i need them, and yes i love them, but sometimes it's just a little overwhelming.~E.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Carpal Tunnel
I have a severe case of carpel tunnel syndrome(CTS) in both of my arms. I have slow responses in both arms from my fingertips up to my elbow. Until these last couple of weeks, there haven't been any "real" problems. I wear braces on my wrists at night to keep them in a straight position. Well, lately, I've been awakened due to the CTS. My hands tingle, like they are asleep, which I'm sure they are due to poor blood circulation, and so they hurt. Surgery was reccommended to me by the orthopedist last September, but due to costs, and having to miss work, I chose to put it off. Well, now I'm pregnant, and sometimes during pregnancy a nerve can be pinched off suddenly causing temporary CTS in people who don't normally have CTS. And currently, I think this might be my problem or at least part of it, as I do really have CTS. I'm thinking about going back to the doctor to see what he reccommends as far as surgery goes. Right now I don't think is the right time obviously, but maybe he can reccommend something that in the mean time will aleviate the poor circulation, thus making sleep a little more comfortable. It is 5:40a.m. and I've been awake for about an hour or so. My kids will be getting up in like 2 hours and I'm going to my friends house for the day. If I don't get back to sleep, I will be very tired all day. As I am typing this my hands are falling asleep. I don't want my hands to be cut off or anything, because then a whole new set of problems will arise from it, but just something temporary would be nice.:>~E.
These are pictures of the MLRS~Missle Launching Rocket System that performed a live fire drill over the weekend, for the families of my husbands unit. The ignition is real, but the "rocket" is a telephone pole that they just use to shoot into the impact point. It's really loud with a big boom. It's pretty cool. The pictures are out of order, the first should be second, and the second should be first, but the rest appear to be in proper order. ~E
Thursday, June 01, 2006
hair cuts
Boy looks so good!! It's amazing what difference short hair does for a person. Isn't he so cute???
Man does such a good job mowing the lawn. He's on his way out for a 2 week work program.
Girl really loves to hang like a monkey. We have a clothes line type thing. It's not really but we don't know exactly what it's called~a monkey bar I guess. Anyway, I'm having the girl hang upside down by her legs and then we do a penny drop. Totally assisted of course. But she sure hangs by her hands real good.
Be revolted no more you big babies. There is nothing wrong with showing a little leg!!!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Ahhh the tube
I just don't get soaps. I mean seriously. I was talking to a friend earlier today and I would like to go out to lunch with her. Well, tomorrow is the only day that I am available. I have an Ultra Sound at 2:00 and so I was thinking that we should meet for lunch at 11:00. However, the Young and the Restless is on at 11:00. My friend will absolutely NOT budge. It's like she will die if she misses her show. I said something to her about being obsessed and she gave me this speech about all the millions of women hooked on soaps. It's a sad thing, if you ask me. Anyway, we aren't going out to lunch because of her handicap.:) It's her loss, I guess. I just don't get soaps. Can someone explain it to me? I know I've done my fair share of soap watching. But I just don't get the obsession now???~E
Sunday, May 21, 2006
tvs and trucks
The other picture is of a tv. The object that runs this household. TV is on ALL THE TIME. Today it wasn't on all the time, but a lot of the time. Anyway, I really would like to disconnect the cable come sometime in June. I was discussing this with Marie as she really enjoys watching her soaps. And tonight, I am writing about the tv, because I was trying to talk to her and shut off the tv for about a minute. Anyway, the program that I shut off, I am recording, so to me, it's not like she's really missing anything. Anyway, she got upset and started to cry a little bit. I told her that I was recording it and that she didn't have to get upset. I turned the tv back on of course. The point that I'm trying to make with the tv is that we have so many movies that we haven't watched. I mean brand new ones, never taken out of the package. This summer holds new television show premieres~Oh goody, just one more thing to do. And today with the tv off, I read a book. It was nice sitting in silence reading. I admit, that I am the one who turned it on, but I seriously think that it needs to be shut off. Anyway, when we discussed disconnecting the tv for the summer, Marie got kind of mad at me. I asked her what she did when she worked and she said that she kept up on her soaps by reading the magazines and that on her days off she would watch the shows. But there would be days when someone else would be at home and she couldn't watch what she wanted. So that is why she got her own tv. So it was a tv war with the two tvs right next to each other. Seems kind of annoying if you ask me.. And now that there is a tv in her room, that's what would happen if I were home and wanted to watch something else. She would just go into her room and watch her own show. I feel pretty strongly about having our cable disconnected. I am pretty sure that if I were to discuss this with my husband, he would probably side with his mother. Now I ask you, is there anything wrong with that???? The other thing that's so funny about this is that one day a long time ago, we were talking about Marie watching her tv, and watching the kids. Jerry said to me, that he didn't mind her watching her shows. Now I wonder if I were a sahm, If it would be the same for me??? Anyway, the point is just silly but I still wonder sometimes. I personally wonder when one comes to the realization that it's just not ok and to look at all the time you wasted watching tv. I'm not saying that I don't have my moments. But I am willing to give up the tv, where the others in my family are not. I guess since I pay the bills, I can choose which ones I want to pay, right?~E
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
HIS will be done
Today, against my better judgement, but to make my husband so very happy and to bring him out of his pouty slump, (I guess I forgot to tell him I was going to ignore his pouty ways~DARN!), my husband and I are going to forever change the path of our lives. I hope that God is listening and watching and that His will shall be done and that nothing comes of this, I say NOTHING. Except maybe a firm slam back into reality. When the boy comes home from work, we are going to go to the lot and see if we can bring our lives into financial ruin with the purchase of a truck. There I said it. Here you read it. Your eyes do not decieve. There isn't anything that can be said to me that I don't already know. There isn't a way that I haven't tried that I can convince my husband otherwise. This is just so wrong and I really hope that once we leave the car lot, it will be ceased from mentioning again. I really hope I can put the past in the past, and let my guilt go. This is just another way that the devil is controlling our lives. Had I been more diligent in the past, perhaps this wouldn't be about to bite me in the butt. Anyway, wish me luck and please pray for the Lord's will to be done in this situation.~E.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Hey check out my new truck!!~NOT
Friday, April 07, 2006
The fish went fishing
Check this out. I got these pictures in an email. The story goes something like this:A guy saw this fish floating in the water and whenever the fish would go down underwater, he would immediately resurface because it had this ball in it's mouth. Apparently, the fish thought the ball was something to eat and couldn't get it out of his mouth. The guys wife had the idea of popping the ball to help the fish. Kind of a neat story, don't you think?~e.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
hey check these out
"Don't worry about it"
The power of a praying parent, I would think takes two. Well, tonight, my husband bless him, made supper for just him and the kids. I asked if he prayed over the meal. He said no, and then I told him he probably should. Anyway, after a brief moment, he said amen. And I said did the kids hear you pray? And he said I don't know. I asked him if he thought that he should be praying loud enough so the kids hear him pray. He just said, "don't worry about it". That is one of the MOST annoying phrases that my husband uses. I can't stand it when he says that. Anyway, am I just to go on with life, letting him get away with that? It just makes me so heart sick. I could go and cry over this. It's such a huge thing for me. Who is the head of this household? I am, I guess. I guess I should strap on a woody and take charge:) hee hee. It seems that this behavior is such a crutch for him, and I don' t even know if he's aware of it or not;maybe he doesn't even care......~e.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Oh my kids are so cute!!! Lady Liberty was at the St Patricks Day parade and there is this company called Liberty Tax Service and they were handing out these cute "head bands" for the kids. Doesn't my girl look so cute?
Yesterday, we went out for lunch after church. My hub didn't get a set of silverware and refused to go over to the other table to get a set. The other table was empty, and there was 2 sets of silverware and it was like 5 feet from where we were sitting. He ABSOLUTELY refused to go over and get it. It was so frustrating for me. But finally the server did come and check on us and we got the silverware from him. Why didn't he just go get it? Why didn't he ask me to go get it? Why do boys act like this? Ughh!!!!
Today I worked on cleaning my kitchen. I got rid of so much stuff. I can't wait till we move. I really hope that I can maintain some sort of organization once we do move. I'm not that organized, so it might be REALLY hard for me. We'll have to see. Well, this is all for now. Maybe there will be more tomorrow. Stay tuned. ~E.
Friday, March 17, 2006
It's been so long........
I just haven't been in the mood to write anything here. Now my friend wants me to go vote her at a site so she can win a contest. The only problem is that I don't really know how to vote. Sorry. I just wanted to share a little of what we've been up to here. Enjoy. ~E.
1st picture~boy got a card from grandpa and grandma.
2nd picture~I think that's the one where boy bit girl on the back. Yikes!!
3rd picture~girl tripped and fell and hit her eye. Ouch!!
4th picture~daddy's reading to kids.
5th picture~girl ready to wash dishes.:)
Thursday, February 09, 2006
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