Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"Don't worry about it"

The power of a praying parent, I would think takes two. Well, tonight, my husband bless him, made supper for just him and the kids. I asked if he prayed over the meal. He said no, and then I told him he probably should. Anyway, after a brief moment, he said amen. And I said did the kids hear you pray? And he said I don't know. I asked him if he thought that he should be praying loud enough so the kids hear him pray. He just said, "don't worry about it". That is one of the MOST annoying phrases that my husband uses. I can't stand it when he says that. Anyway, am I just to go on with life, letting him get away with that? It just makes me so heart sick. I could go and cry over this. It's such a huge thing for me. Who is the head of this household? I am, I guess. I guess I should strap on a woody and take charge:) hee hee. It seems that this behavior is such a crutch for him, and I don' t even know if he's aware of it or not;maybe he doesn't even care......~e.

1 comment:

~B said...

You need to pray for him. Nagging will just draw him away from you. ItS sad but true.

Have you ever heard that country music song by Montgomery Gentry? It's called something like: Because she didn't tell me to. You should listen to it, the message is powerful.

~B :) love you