Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Long time no type

It's been a little while since I've blogged. I've just been uninterested. I went and looked at a house the other day. It's a really old house. In my opinion, it requires a TON of work. It's really neat though. It's in my price range. It's in the town I live in. The house is liveable, it just has that old plaster and lath walls. The carpet is pretty old. The kitchen is carpeted with really old carpet. The cabinets are really old. It's a neat house though. It has a really awesome attic. One you can go up in and actually stand. There's even access to the roof where there's a "porch" type thing. IT's so cool. There's even a laundry shoot which I think is really cool. Unfortunately, the laundry is in the basement. The basement is not that great, it's a basement, what can one expect really? There are three bedrooms and they are on the upper level. There is 1.25 bathrooms which means that on the main floor there is only a toilet. ON the upper level is the master bathroom. All this upstairs stuff wouldn't be so bad except that my mother in law has such a hard time with steps. It'll all work out if it's meant to be. I won't know more until my hubby gets home. He's helping with Hurricane Katrina. The kids are napping. My daughter wasn't falling asleep. I think she is finally sleeping though. IT's really cold in my house. I live in a mobile home that I think it must leak so warm air gets out thru the windows and etc. I think this is all for now. Have a great day!

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