Monday, October 17, 2005

More of this and that

So I just heard from my husband. He told me that he might be staying in LA for a little while longer. I am not sure for how long or even for sure that will happen. I just have so much on my mind and of course I miss my husband quite a bit.
Tonight while my mil was getting my kids ready for supper and then after, it was very important for me to consiously participate. It's so easy just to let my mil take care of my kids and do everything for them. I know it's important for me not to and to be actively involved but man it's so easy to let my mil take care of everything for me. It's truly like I have a nanny. But only better because I don't have to pay her, and plus my kids reap the benefit of having their grandma take care of them.
How on earth does one organize their photos when they are in such disarray? I have so many bazillion photos and they are just shoved in shoe boxes and not put in any kind of order. It's so frustrating. One day at a time I guess. Well, I must end. I wish that my friends would type something in their blog.

1 comment:

~B said...

E~ do you really have a bazillion photos?...or is it closer to a Brazilian? -kmf