Saturday, December 24, 2005

Oh Christmas

It is Christmas Eve. We just got done opening our gifts. We decided that this year, we could open our presents tonight. There will be some other gifts under the tree from Santa tomorrow on Christmas day. Those will be the ones for the kids. I worked today and then came home and did a little cleaning. I purged a little bit while I was at it. I threw out all of my old baby magazines. I love those. My plan was to go thru all the magazines and take out the favorite articles and put them in a folder for reference. Well I haven't looked at them for a VERY long time and so I decided to throw 'em out!! It felt good too. I had to stop cleaning or whatever it was that I was doing so I could go to church. I love going to church. We sang beautiful Christmas carols, and then there was a praise opportunity where we got to speak in front of the congregation about any praises we had. I praised God for my mother in law, who without her we'd be lost. I'm tired and I really need to get some shut eye. My house is in serious disarray. Merry Christmas. ~E.

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