Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day

It's Christmas day. Merry Christmas!! May the blessings of this day be with you always. We are having a really good day here at this household. We are having an auntie and 2 uncles over. It's really nice. My hubby cooked the whole dinner, even being careful to cut the ham into thin slices so we can have ham sandwiches later. We had mashed potatoes and ham gravy, corn, stuffing, biscuits, and cranberries. There is pie to eat too. We've been drinking coffee and shooting the breeze all afternoon. I'm so tired, I really want to take a nap. Hubby and I got up at 4 to put the ham in the oven. It didn't take as long to cook as we had anticipated, but I would much rather put it in too soon, than too late!! So there are still a few presents that need opening, and we'll do that real soon. Hope you had a nice Christmas. ~E.

1 comment:

~B said...

Hmmph, still no new pictures!