Sunday, August 28, 2005

Post 2

Ok, I think I've got it. Today we spent the day shopping. It was fun. We bought some stuff for my home based business and for my church. We also bought a gift card for a wedding present. We were looking and looking at something to buy when the associate at the store we were shopping in suggested that we just buy the gift card. It was so great that she suggested that. We weren't finding anything that we liked as a gift.

We are going camping next weekend. I'm so excited. My mother-in-law purchased her own sleeping bag and she also bought this really nice grill stove. My husband is really excited about that. Right now he's opening the box and he's going to check it out. Actually he's watching me type this, so I have to be careful what I say;). There is so much to have/get ready for camping. When we are all done, we'll be pros:).

I just checked my good friends website, and she was talking about this new website that she went on, but she's not sharing the name of the website, and I really want to check it out but I can't find it. Even with all the information she's providing I'm finding it hard to solve the puzzle.

My kids are taking a nap, or at least trying to. My one child just will not be laid to rest. He's just soo tired. My other child fell asleep in the carseat on the way home. She has been tired all day. Although they were both tired, and missed the right nap time, they have been so good.

I have several things I want to get done today, but I'm afraid time will get away from me. Ughh!! But that's ok. There will be so many more days to do the things that I want do. :)
My husband and I have a meeting at church tonight. I wish we didn't have to go, it's going to be a long meeting, but we must do this. It will be ok.


1 comment:

~B said...


You have been spammed woman.... I need to fix this for you, go and delete all these posts above, they are SPAM. There's a setting in the dashboard click on comments and in there there's a way to avoid these spammers. Anyway, the website is:
