Monday, August 29, 2005


I'm getting ready to go to work. I'm so tired today. I hope I wake up. I am listening to some Christian music~my favorite CD. I had a woman from my church put it together for me. I'm so tired because my husband and I were up so late last night talking to some good friends and time just got away from us. I had to drop something off at their house, and what little bit of time we had turned into a lot of time. We didn't even get home in time to put the kids down to bed. I enjoy doing that so I missed that.

I'm a server at a restaurant and I hope today is busy enough. My husband and I could use the financial help.

I had a Tastefully Simple party here at my house the other day and only 3 people showed up. I was so bummed. My parties have been flops, but I thought that it was because I was having parties of the same old stuff but from different companies, so this time I decided to try food, but it still didn't matter. I am supposed to have a Homemakers Idea show in October but I cancelled due to poor turnout. I just don't want to have another party for a little while. Maybe I'll do it in spring or summer. Or maybe I won't. ~E

1 comment:

~B said...

Take a break and have a party at my house~you and me!! wooee. ~B