Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My what big eyes, er, glasses you have

For Christmas, I bought my kids these really cool glasses. We all had to try them on of course. When I was a kid, my mom had a pair of these glasses and they were really hard to come by, so I always just wanted them whenever my mom got them out. She wore them with a clown outfit. Anyway, the pictures are of me, son, mil, and friend. The kids also got a microphone that echoes when you speak into it, and that's what I was doing. Enjoy. ~E.


~B said...

You think that you look SO hot, don't you??

You've been tagged by me, that means fill out the questions in my post: "Another Meme" and post them onto your blog. :)


~B said...

New pictures, PLEASE, I"m like, SO sick of looking at Jay or whatever his name is everytime I go to your site! ;-) ~B