Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My what big eyes, er, glasses you have

For Christmas, I bought my kids these really cool glasses. We all had to try them on of course. When I was a kid, my mom had a pair of these glasses and they were really hard to come by, so I always just wanted them whenever my mom got them out. She wore them with a clown outfit. Anyway, the pictures are of me, son, mil, and friend. The kids also got a microphone that echoes when you speak into it, and that's what I was doing. Enjoy. ~E.

Doing your dirty laundry

Here are some pictures of my girl. She was putting this laundry bag over her head, and it was so cute. She fits in the bag, isn't she so cute? I thought you'd enjoy them too. ~E.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ok, here are some pictures for you. Granted these aren't the best. Upper left, all of us having our first meal in the new home. Check out baby-isn't she so cute? Picture of hubby and son. Hubby repairing crack in wall, hardwood floor, huge crack in celing waiting for repair. I took video earlier and that's why I don't have others for you. But enjoy. ~E.

Friday, January 06, 2006

here you go

this is a picture of our bathroom. Pretty cool, huh?