So I don't blog much anymore, but it sure is nice to have this in case I need to vent. I'm into facebook, and doing stuff with that, I check my e-mails regularly, and besides those two things I don't do much communicating. But today, I just thought I'd surprise my friend and see if she checks to see if I posted anything. I'm not going to tell here what I've done. So my kids and I went to my friends house yesterday to spend the day with her. I wish my only "job" in life was to wait for school to get out, and then go visit her.....Oh what a blissful time it is when I go visit. I could have gotten some cds from her to listen to while on my drive home. Perhaps I need to get that portable cd player in the van, RIGHT now so next time I go see her, then on good faith, I can get cds from her. Talk radio is the best thing to listen to when you're tired but talk radio only reaches to certain corners of the world. Once you've driven past that corner, there is no more!:((( Boring boring boring music after that, and then the hope that you won't fall asleep. I've acutally done that before and almost got pretty hurt, but we were VERY lucky. Angels were watching over us. I have learned my lesson though, and pull over if I'm tired now, but my new fear is that the car behind us falls asleep and then violently slams into my pulled over vehicle. It could happen! See, with the cds, I told my friend, let my borrow them. I will listen to them because when I'm on the internet, I like to listen to something-not the radio, but talk radio. I usually then just end up listening to Dave Ramsey~which is very good listening~and in fact is something I'm doing at this exact moment. Now if only I'd had those cds. Oh well, next time. Only if she'll let me! I'm going to take a nap shortly. I dropped my daughter off at school. My son didn't go to school this morning because he was so tired from his big day at said friend's house. I felt kind of silly for not just making him go to school, but at the same time, it felt ok to let him stay him since he was so exhausted. However the exhaustion has not stopped him from pestering his siblings. Oh well. I don't suppose it ever will!!!:) I'm going to upload some pictures now and perhaps my friend will just fall out of her chair.....