Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So much like a diary, this is the hardest thing for me to keep up with. Life is good for me. I've been happily busy with my children. I don't work as much. My oldest is in Pre-K and he really seems to be enjoying it. Today was picture day. I only ordered one picture and then went to Wal*Mart and only got the package. It is such a great thing for me that I got the package. I NEVER do that. I usually always end up spending close to $100.00. It was great, and oh what a relief. Right now the kids are in bed, and dear hubby is probably sleeping downstairs in the chair. Last night we acquired a new kitten!! She's so cute and fluffy. We named her Smokey. We got her from a friend. Our other cat isn't too fond of her yet. She hisses at her everytime she comes near, and the dog thinks she's bigger than she is and so attacks her. Eeck!! Hopefully the cats will grow to like eachother.....And well, the dog will be just fine!! Life is good, I am blessed. Thank you Lord.~E.