Monday, March 27, 2006

My big Eyes
I'm not too big for this, am I?
I look so good!!
My "Auntie" takes such good pictures
Lady Liberty

Oh my kids are so cute!!! Lady Liberty was at the St Patricks Day parade and there is this company called Liberty Tax Service and they were handing out these cute "head bands" for the kids. Doesn't my girl look so cute?

Yesterday, we went out for lunch after church. My hub didn't get a set of silverware and refused to go over to the other table to get a set. The other table was empty, and there was 2 sets of silverware and it was like 5 feet from where we were sitting. He ABSOLUTELY refused to go over and get it. It was so frustrating for me. But finally the server did come and check on us and we got the silverware from him. Why didn't he just go get it? Why didn't he ask me to go get it? Why do boys act like this? Ughh!!!!

Today I worked on cleaning my kitchen. I got rid of so much stuff. I can't wait till we move. I really hope that I can maintain some sort of organization once we do move. I'm not that organized, so it might be REALLY hard for me. We'll have to see. Well, this is all for now. Maybe there will be more tomorrow. Stay tuned. ~E.

Friday, March 17, 2006

It's been so long........

I just haven't been in the mood to write anything here. Now my friend wants me to go vote her at a site so she can win a contest. The only problem is that I don't really know how to vote. Sorry. I just wanted to share a little of what we've been up to here. Enjoy. ~E.

1st picture~boy got a card from grandpa and grandma.
2nd picture~I think that's the one where boy bit girl on the back. Yikes!!
3rd picture~girl tripped and fell and hit her eye. Ouch!!
4th picture~daddy's reading to kids.
5th picture~girl ready to wash dishes.:)